Welcome to another edition of Moziak’s Black Love Series where we take the time to speak to proudly black, and proudly in-love couples to find out how they keep it all together.
This week we are speaking to Enoch and Leah Qua-Enoo who are raising a young daughter and have plenty of insight into how to keep the flame alive. Love through a black lens is beautiful and these two lovers have given us even more inspiration to continue pursuing black love.

Moziak Magazine: Tell us a little bit about your relationship with your partner.
Leah Qua-Enoo: Our relationship is dynamic and free, I would say we try to allow the other person to get the best out of their own lives and not stunt their growth. We can be truly ourselves in our relationship while having someone to support and have fun with.
MM: How well do you understand what your partner does for a living?
LQ: Fairly well he owns an oil blending company, we talk about it all the time actually.

MM: What does Black Love mean to you?
LQ: I think it means that the other person understands where you come from, your background your everyday struggles as a black person, and that being black shapes how you perceive the world, and they accept you for that.
MM: What lessons about love would you hope to teach the black community through your own actions?
LQ: I would say leave room to evolve from the more traditional roles in a household, support your partners aspirations in life and don’t conjure up immeasurable expectations. Neither of you should dictate a future but work together to reach a shared vision.

MM: Describe your relationship with your partner in 5 words.
LQ: Fun, Loving, Encouraging, Humbling, Peaceful.
MM: What do you recall the most vividly about your first date together?
LQ: Cant recall our first date but it must have been sitting next to a computer listening to Music or Watching series.
MM: Who is the more romantic partner in your relationship?
LQ: Definitely Enoch his very sweet when it comes to making me feel special and cared for.
MM: In which personal areas has your relationship helped you grow?
LQ: I think Enoch helps me to be a more positive person I always used to tell him that his head is in the clouds, but life is more beautiful if you have a positive appreciative outlook.
MM: How do you handle conflict in your relationship?
LQ: First the silent treatment, then we talk about our issues and try listen to one another without bias. Doesn’t always work!
MM: If your partner was held hostage and had to release a coded message that only YOU would realise is a lie and is actually a call for help… what would that coded message be?
LQ: Hun Im working late today