We are well over halfway through the South African lockdown and although there are some grumbles and mumbles on social media, for the most part, the country is coping well. To keep our readers engaged throughout this period of isolation, we have been interviewing some of the most notable personalities across the country to find out how they are using their quiet time at home. The most recent interviewee is none other than Linda Mtoba who, along with her big and little bean at home, is making the most of the three weeks indoors.
We couldn’t help but laugh during the interview with the actress and television star this week.
Moziak Magazine: How are you social distancing during this period?
Linda Mtoba: I’m such a home body, I’m staying home like I usually do. Lol
MM: Where do you wish you were right now?
LM: Italy but obviously without the pandemic
MM:Name 3 positive things about the world almost coming to a standstill
LM: 1. We’re all going through the same thing at the same time, I think it brought us together somewhat.
2.The world doesn’t seem so vast.
3. I’d say nature is also very happy we humans are staying home for bit it’s able to reset itself.
MM: Name 5 things you plan to achieve whilst in “quarantine”
LM: 1. Mmh finish Homeland
2. Learn to make bread
3. Engage more with all the Mamas out there.
4. Try not to eat my way through it.
5. A minute plank
MM: What surprising item made your shopping list?
LM: Bar soaps, normally use shower gel. But shower gel wasn’t dramatic enough. It didn’t say “pandemic” I’m joking.
MM: Did you stock up on additional toilet paper?
LM: Oh my word, no!
MM: Have any important plans or activities of yours been cancelled/postponed because of the coronavirus?
LM: Yes. But all in due time.
MM: In a year’s time when you look back, what do you think you will be saying about this period?
LM: I’m grateful we all made it out alive.
MM: What advice do you have for people who are struggling with the idea of social distancing?
LM: I know it’s hard and being outside seems more fun but there’s no one to be outside with anyway. So stay home & make the most of it.
Meditate, read, do nothing whatever will help you cope, it’s ok.
MM: What are you looking forward to the most when the coronavirus pandemic is over?
LM: Having the option to lie & say I’m coming through but knowing very well I’m staying home.
Jokes aside can’t wait to travel again & EAT OUT. Omg KFC!