Moziak Magazine: How are you social distancing during this period?
Manu WorldStar: Just staying home and working on my project. Trying to focus on things I can actually do.
MM: Where do you wish you were right now?
MW: I wish I was outside somewhere with my friends just chilling. Even if it’s a park or something. I just miss outside lol.
MM: Name 3 positive things about the world almost coming to a standstill
- You get to sit and reflect on your life.
- You get to spend some quality time with family.
- You can make sure that you don’t put yourself in spaces where you can get the virus.
MM: Name 5 things you plan to achieve whilst in “quarantine”
- Finish my album
- Finish my album
- Finish my album
- Finish my album
- Finish my album 😂
MM: What surprising item made your shopping list?
MW: Same old same old. Trying not to freak out and over buy things.
MM: Did you stock up on additional toilet paper?
MW: MOST DEF GOTTA have the extra toilet paper haha!
MM: Have any important plans or activities of yours been cancelled/postponed because of the coronavirus?
MW: We don’t have any more shows which is a bummer because that’s the ultimate connection an artist has with a fan…
MM: In a year’s time when you look back, what do you think you will be saying about this period?
MW: I’d say “Damn. The whole country was really locked up? For real?”
MM: What advice do you have for people who are struggling with the idea of social distancing?
MW: Try and keep your mind occupied by keeping yourself busy.
MM: What are you looking forward to the most when the coronavirus pandemic is over?
MW: Getting on stage and turning the crowd upside down most def!