Between hosting a radio show in her home, launching a nation-wide happiness campaign and making sure her kids are up in time for online schooling – Mpho Letsholonyane made time to speak to us about her new work-life balance.
During lockdown, we have had the privilege of speaking to a number of radio and television personalities who have opened up about the differences in their schedules and routines since the pandemic took over our lives.
This week we had the pleasure of speaking to Mpho Letsholonyane, who has given us a slightly different view into the worlds of radio and broadcasting when she opened up about how she’s transmitting from home. Along with her broadcasts, Mpho is also fitting in online schooling for her children, responsibilities in her personal life and an hour or more of gym into a busier than ever schedule.
As if this wasn’t enough, the powerhouse media personality has just launched a new campaign to help the country make it through the lockdown with a smile – #LevelsOfHappy.
We speak about all this and more in our latest Moziak Pieces:
Mpho Letsholonyane’s New Normal

Moziak Magazine: It’s been a long, dreary lockdown and there’s no end in sight. But thankfully, our fav celeb uMpho has just launched a campaign to raise the mood! Tell us about #LevelsOfHappy and how the idea came about
Mpho Letsholonyane: The campaign was borne out of witnessing how the lockdown affected people mentally. All I wanted to do was to try put a smile on someone’s face. Even if it’s one person at a time
MM: Have you felt the impact of the lockdown on your own mood in the past few weeks?
ML: Yes. It’s been a difficult, anxiety inducing and challenging time. Not really knowing what tomorrow brings. Trying to stay safe and also managing your children’s fears and uncertainties about their own lives has been mentally exhausting
MM: We love that you are looking at the mental effect of lockdown and the pandemic. What simple advice can you give to others on how to stay mentally healthy during this time?
ML: The only best advice I can give is for us to take one day at a time and to celebrate your wins. Big and small. With every day you realize just how much we live on borrowed time. Tell your loved ones how much you love them as often as possible.
MM: There’s nothing that could make me happier than winning some of the dope prizes on offer lol! How have some of your fans reacted to winning some of the delightful prizes you’ve given away?
ML: Ah man. Receiving the messages of gratitude is always such a trip. As much as they’re happy, I’m as equally overjoyed for them knowing that the prize has made some difference in their life
MM: Along with this campaign, you’ve been working hard during lockdown (broadcasters are essential services after all!). Have you been a bit paranoid or worried about your health during this time?
ML: In the beginning I was because of all the uncertainty, seeing the numbers going up and people resting positive in the industry. Fortunately I’ve been broadcasting from home for some time now, so the anxiety has eased somewhat. I only leave the house when I absolutely must.
MM: How have things changed in the radio industry following the spread of Covid-19?
ML: For one, you can’t have guests in the studio. So one has had to learn to make good radio without the benefit of the rapport you could’ve had with your guest in studio. But also we’ve also had to learn to make broadcasting work from home. It’s been challenging being remote but we make it work. This is the new normal they say.
MM: What’s the first thing you want to do once we reach lockdown level 1?
ML: See my parents. I haven’t seen them in 2020. I’m afraid to visit them and end up leaving them with Covid-19. So I haven’t risked a visit and I miss them terribly.

MM: What is your daily routine like these days?
ML: It’s been the same for past over 100 days.
6:45: Wake the kids up for online school (My daughter starts school at 7:30) .
7:30 Get breakfast ready for the little one. He starts class at 7:45
8:00 Hit the home gym for about an hour.
9:00 Shower.
9:30 Catchup on news and social media while also talking to my radio show producer
11:00 Finish off Prep and guest confirmations for my radio show that day with my producer over the phone.
12:30 Get online for radio
13:00 – 15:00 Do my show Power Lunch on Power987.
15:20 Assist my son with school submissions for the day and we finish work he didn’t complete during class
16:15 Start preparing supper
17:45 We eat
20:30 or 21:00 Bed time
Mpho Letsholonyane’s schedule looks extremely busy, but we definitely appreciate that she made the time to speak to us for this one. Tell us about your work/life balance during the lockdown, how does it compare to Mpho and her family’s?