1. What city are you currently in and what do you love most about this city?
I currently reside in Johannesburg, South Africa. It took me a while, but I’ve grown to love the madness of the city. Everyone comes from a faraway place and they are here to hustle and build their dreams.
2.Your favourite hangout spot in your home town is?
I’m originally from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. I spend a lot of time at my grandmother’s house in Nketa 6, I guess that’s my hangout spot.
3.A song that perfectly describes your country right now?
Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. It’s been a challenging decade economically and politically in Zimbabwe. People are unsettled. They want change.
4.What is on your music playlist currently?
Love songs. Valentine’s Day is around the corner. My new song Ndicel’ikiss is at the top of the list.
5.What are you reading?
Think and Grow Rich. Great book on working on one’s mindset and philosophy.
6.What would you say is the biggest artistic impact Africa has had on the world?
I think that’s yet to happen. I look forward to the day where African artists in Music, art, design, branding and fashion are as iconic as international artists. As technology advances the impact of Africa in art and culture will be revered.
7.What is that one African dish you wish the entire world knew about?
Umgqusho – a Xhosa dish. It’s samp and beans with a mix of spices.
7.What does your name mean?
My stage name Berita is actually my mother’s ID name. It’s Latin and it means truthful.
9.If you had one super power what would it be and why?
I wish I could time travel. I would be in tune with the past, the future and the present.
10.If you weren’t a famous musician what would you be?
A painter, a writer or a fashion designer.