Musicians worldwide have been one of the hardest hit from the coronavirus pandemic with numerous shows and festivals being cancelled/postponed; multi award-winning Nigerian musician, Victor AD, is in the same boat with his RED EYE Europe Tour being put on hold.
We decided to catch up with the musician who has been a regular feature on our music playlist with songs such as Wetin We Gain and Tire You featuring Davido, to see how he’s handling the global pandemic.
Moziak Magazine: How are you social distancing during this period?
Victor AD: I have been in self-isolation since the initial announcement although I did try to support people with basic amenities the best I could. I also did a live musical concert on Instagram just to spice up the atmosphere, but other than that I have been in self-isolation.
MM: Where do you wish you were right now?
VA: I had to postpone my Europe Tour due to the global pandemic, so I guess I wish I were on my tour serving my fans with good music.
MM: Name 3 positive things about the world almost coming to a standstill
- I think one would be the fact that parents, husbands, wives and everyone basically has had the opportunity to spend more quality time with their loved ones.
- Another would be that this has shown the world as a whole that we are all one people, I think it has really shown everyone that we are first human beings before we are American, or European or African. I think it has really been an eye opener to everyone.
- Lastly it has given everyone the chance to pause and think, the opportunity to really re-evaluate the details of their lives, be it young or old.
MM: Name 5 things you plan to achieve whilst in “quarantine”
VA: I’d like to take my time to make more music, I am taking the opportunity to do some soul searching. At the end of the day it’s about family so I will like spending quality time with my family as much as I can. I’d also like to learn new things.
MM: What surprising item made your shopping list?
VA: “Smile” Surgical face masks and gloves.
MM: Did you stock up on additional toilet paper?
VA: Yes oo, but only because I need toilet paper.
MM: Have any important plans or activities of yours been cancelled/postponed because of the coronavirus?
VA: Yes, a whole lot. One of which like I said earlier is my RED EYE Europe Tour.
MM: In a year’s time when you look back, what do you think you will be saying about this period?
VA: Simply put “Thank God, We made it”.
MM: What advice do you have for people who are struggling with the idea of social distancing?
VA: Like I always say “Pray For Grace” most definitely this has been a very trying time, but don’t give
up. We will get through this.
MM: What are you looking forward to the most when the coronavirus pandemic is over?
VA: Serve my fans more music and most likely tour the world.