Long time friends turned brothers for life, JJ and Naked DJ represent an envious bromance.
Known as the men behind the popular thought provoking “Ask A Man” feature on Metro FM, there’s a lot more to the duo than meets the eye.
Meet JJ & Naked DJ.
1.How did you meet?
JJ: I meet Quinton 15/16 years ago at YFM. Same guy same qualities. Genuine 100%.
Naked DJ: I met JJ around 2003 while I worked at YFM and he was at Outrageous Records at the time. I was a young Hip Hop DJ trying to push South African Hip Hop to new heights and Outrageous Records had the most gifted lyricists and producers at the time.
2.Why do you think you work well together?
JJ: I have a lot of respect for genuine people. No fakeness. No BS. Quinton always speaks his mind and 99.9 % of the time it’s the honest truth you don’t want to hear.
Naked DJ: We have mutual respect for one another but most importantly we are both creatives so creating magic is what we love to do hence I think the feature Ask A Man became so captivating and alluring.
3.What would you say is JJ’s/Naked DJ’s best quality?
JJ: His honesty.
Naked DJ: He is a great listener and he’s able to understand and empathise with people.
4.What do people not know about JJ/Naked DJ?
JJ: He’s a serial entrepreneur: Mining, motorsport etc amongst his other business interests. He doesn’t talk much about his business interests until the dividends land in the bank account. But you’ll be shocked at the things that tickle his mind… ohh he’s also a born politician. Politician at heart, politician in his soul… talk to him about it…
Naked DJ: He is the most loving husband to his wife and most caring father to his children. He speaks about them all the time.
5.Do you see yourself working together in the next 5 years?
JJ: We already have a good number of big projects that are outside our “typical surrounding” (media industry) that are profitable, but Quinton will deny them and rather talk to you about music and Ask A Man.
Naked DJ: We are brothers for life. We already work together outside of radio.
6.What advice would you give to people looking for a business partner?
JJ: If you can’t sleep at night because you are thinking about them and their integrity, then you can’t have them as a business partner. There’s honour even amongst politicians and thugs.
Naked DJ: Trust is key so look for someone where you don’t have to watch your back all the time. It’s a Dog Eat Dog world out there. Look for a partner that is strong in areas where you are weak. Understand each other’s strengths and weakness. Never be afraid to be under someone else’s spotlight, it’s a partnership so you will grow together.
Connect with JJ and Naked DJ
Twitter: @jjsesing / @naked_dj
Instagram: @jjsesing / @naked_dj