It’s #Day18ofLockdown in South Africa. As we enter a new week, we plan to do so on a positive note. What better way than to chat with on of our faves, Motshidisi Mohono.
Moziak Magazine: How are you social distancing during this period?
Motshidisi Mohono: I am keeping to myself and staying at home. It’s tough, but it is for the greater good.
MM: Where do you wish you were right now?
Motshidisi: On set just before an afternoon of Super Rugby action, with my director counting me down in my ear. Either that, or at home with my Mom and siblings, about to dig into some dumpling and chicken stew!
MM: Name 3 positive things about the world almost coming to a standstill
- It has been such a lovely, quiet time.
- I have enjoyed the freedom to rest and relax, and not worry about deadlines etc.
- The moon and stars look stunning.
MM: Name 5 things you plan to achieve whilst in “quarantine”
- I plan to reflect and introspect on my life
- I also plan to reignite my reading
- To write more
- To exercise
- The biggest thing will be to re-evaluate my goals, and set new goals and targets for the rest of 2020
MM: What surprising item made your shopping list?
Motshidisi: Gum Babies – I haven’t had them in a while, and I’ve added them to my small stash of comfort food.
MM: Did you stock up on additional toilet paper?
Motshidisi: No. No need.
MM: Have any important plans or activities of yours been cancelled/postponed because of the coronavirus?
Motshidisi: I had planned a trip to one of the affected countries, but that is now off the table because of Covid-19. There are other gigs that have had to be cancelled, as well as smaller goals I wanted to achieve. I will have time to complete them once we have conquered this pandemic.
MM: In a year’s time when you look back, what do you think you will be saying about this period?
Motshidisi: I will look back on it as a time when it was imperative to keep hope alive, and fix your eyes on the silver lining. I’ll remember it as a time when all South Africans rallied together to make sure the spread of the virus is curbed, and worked together to flatten the curve. It’s been a brilliant show of solidarity! It’ll be remembered as a time when creatives and innovators came out on top; when only those who thought outside the box survived.
MM: What advice do you have for people who are struggling with the idea of social distancing?
Motshidisi: The first hurdle is to just accept that this is happening; that our freedom of movement is limited (for the greater good). The other thing is to keep your mind engaged – be it through reading, writing, watching series/documentaries/movies, exercising or doing arts and crafts. Do things that keep your mind busy, and your heart hopeful.
MM: What are you looking forward to the most when the coronavirus pandemic is over?
Motshidisi: I look forward to hugging my loved ones. I miss hugs so much!