1.What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
My favourite Christmas memory is one that my family and I still do to this day.
Every Christmas Eve we go to church as a family at 10pm, the service ends just after midnight, so when the service is done it’s Christmas, we then go home sit around the Christmas tree and open gifts! I love it.
2.Where are we likely to spot you this festive season?
I’ll be in Kimberley in the Northern Cape for Christmas, visiting my grandmother and family there, I haven’t seen her in over a year.
3.A song that perfectly describes your December mood?
Does Sister Bethina still count?
4.What is on your music playlist currently?
I absolutely love AmaPiano so currently I’m listening to an Album called BLOOD TIES by Offbeat and DJ Grant. It’s their first album but it’s such an amazing AmaPiano album. Every song on there is such a December mood!
5.What are you reading?
I’m not much of a reader, I’ve been stuck on the same book for over a month now, it’s called LOVE STORY by Karen Kingsbury. Everyone who knows me knows that I wear my heart on my sleeve! I love LOVE.
6.Any survival tips for getting through family dinners/lunches/or having extended family staying over?
Just enjoy it! Be present! I for one don’t get to see certain members of my family often because we are all so spread out, some being in Mahikeng others in Kimberley so make the most of the little time you have together. Family is the most important thing!
7.The best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
It was a Casey Cartwheel doll when I was like 9 years old! I loved that doll.
8.The one dish you have to have on Christmas Day?
Definitely Christmas Trifle.
My mom makes the best trifle ever. Would invite you guys over for some but I’ll probably finish it all.
9.What’s on your Christmas wish list this year?
Just to be with the people I love.