1.What city are you currently in and what do you love most about this city?
I am currently in Johannesburg, what I love is the mix of cultures, the authenticity. I honestly feel like I am in the melting pot of South Africa as far as innovation and everything. Everyone is pushing here and is very trend forward!
2.Your favourite hangout spot in your home town is?
I don’t even know if it still exists because PE is always changing, but I think it will definitely be the beach. I am thinking back to my childhood. That is always my quiet spot in PE. That is my childhood it’s a representation of my childhood, going back to Hobie Beach because that was the first beach that I had ever been introduced to in my life.
3.A song that perfectly describes your country right now?
South Africa right now, Spirit by Kwesta.
4.What is on your music playlist currently?
I think what is always on my playlist to be honest is Nina Simone because I am obsessed with her. She is my woman, I am her and I am going to play her actually and produce that film.
I am in training to play her and she is always on my playlist, she is everywhere, my car, phone, at home. She is my spirit animal.
5.What are you reading?
Michelle Obama’s book, it was a recent birthday gift, but I usually read more than one book at the same time, I am weird like that. I’m also reading Captivating by John and Stasie Eldredge. It is a spiritual book with biblical foundation.
6.What would you say is the biggest artistic impact Africa has had on the world?
I think it is definitely our culture and our prints. I mean clothing right now and fashion is so Afrocentric. I know that when I lived in New York they were just taken aback by our prints and now when I go back, everyone in Brooklyn is wearing South African cultural clothes. It is actually just everywhere now.
It’s not a hidden secret now although it is a bit tricky because a lot of people say it is appropriation and there is a fine line between that and inspiration. But African fashion, art and music are definitely at the forefront of impact in the world.
7.What is that one African dish you wish the entire world knew about?
My mama’s dumpling and stew! But my mama’s one, not just anyone. That lamb stew and the dough needs to be cooked in the stew with it and it is just yes! I think everyone just needs to taste my mom’s dumpling and there will be world peace.
8.What does your name mean?
Nambitha, the Xhosa meaning, because it gets pretty awkward with Zulu guys when they hit on me and it’s inappropriate. In Zulu it means to taste, to devour, it is delicious…
I was actually named after my mom’s late aunt, who funny enough as I am growing older, I have a lot of attributes like her. It’s really strange when they say you live up to your name. We are quite similar in a lot of things. But Nambitha in Xhosa means something or someone that is lovely, so it’s that adjective.
9.If you had one super power what would it be and why?
I have been asked this before and I want to change my answer now. I think it would be to be able to make sure everyone feels loved, like truly feels it.
10.If you weren’t a famous actress what would you be?
I studied Business Science so my dream and goal while I was signed to L’Oreal was to be the Marketing Director there. I definitely would be a marketing director for a global company, something still within my media space, my first love.