We woke up this morning to the news that former President of Zimbabwe, Mr Robert Gabriel Mugabe, has died at the age of 95.
There’s been mixed reactions on social media about the notorious leader’s passing and how he should be remembered.
Without the correct political knowledge of any affiliation to Zimbabwe, we’ve decided not to get involved in the debate of whether Mr Mugabe’s legacy has been a largely positive one or a negative one.
Instead, we’ve decided to commemorate the passing of the politic giant by remembering him through his infamous quotes.
Have a look below.
“Nothing new or innovative is created without a stretch of the imagination. Reach your goals by reaching for the sky with some brain stretches of the imagination every day.”
“In Africa, the only warning they take seriously is ‘low battery’.”
“If all women in the world decided to pause sex until a cure of aids is found, men would find the cure in 30 days.”
“Ladies, don’t be deceived by a man who texts you “I miss you” only when it’s cold or raining…you are neither an umbrella nor a jacket.”
“Racism will never end as long as White cars are still using Black tyres. Racism will never end as long we still wash White clothes first, then other colours later. Racism will never end if people still use Black to symbolise bad luck and White for peace! Racism will never end if people still wear White clothes to weddings and Black clothes to funerals. Racism will never end as long as those who don’t pay their bills are blacklisted not White listed. Even when playing pool, you haven’t won until you sink the Black ball, and the White ball must remain on the field. But I don’t care, so long as I’m still using the WHITE toilet paper to wipe my ass, I’m still fine!”
“We are living in a generation where people ‘in love’ are free to touch each other’s private parts but are not allowed to touch each other’s phones because they are private.”
“It’s only in South Africa that an illiterate villager thinks a qualified medical doctor from another African country is the reason for his unemployment.”
“How do you convince the upcoming generation that education is the key to success when we are surrounded by poor graduates and rich criminals.”
“South Africans will kick down a statue of a dead white man but won’t even attempt to slap a live one. Yet they can stone to death a black man simply because he is a foreigner.”
“South Africa needs a second liberation.”
“Africa must revert to what it was before the imperialists divided it. These are artificial divisions which we, in our pan-African concept, will seek to remove.”
“The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans.”
“If the choice were made, one for us to lose our sovereignty and become a member of the Commonwealth or remain with our sovereignty and lose the membership of the Commonwealth, I would say let the Commonwealth go.”
“We have fought for our land, we have fought for sovereignty, small as we are we have won our independence and we are prepared to shed our blood… So, Blair, keep your England and let me keep my Zimbabwe.”
“Only God who appointed me will remove me.”
“I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective, justice for his own people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold.”
“I have died many times. That’s where I have beaten Christ. Christ died once and resurrected once. I have died and resurrected, and I don’t know how many times I will die and resurrect.”
*Disclaimer: Not all the quotes listed above have been verified as coming directly from the late former Zimbabwean President, Mr Robert Mugabe.