Women as symbols of rebirth, resurrection, intrepidness and redemption. Gold-covered queens immersed in sparkling light, carrying symbols which have marked the history of the African continent and of its human inhabitants; the same humans who have been plundered and oppressed by years of exploitation.

The gold they wear gets mixed with the isothermal blankets which mean salvation for thousands of human beings crossing the Mediterranean searching for something their land can no longer offer. The wars triggered by the uncontrolled capitalism which has always encroached on the resources of the African continent, force its people to endure unimaginable sufferings, before the careless eyes of the rest of the world. Human beings who have been deprived of everything, who face dreadful and painful journeys in order to have a chance of life, but in order to do so have to risk their life itself.

The queens are a symbol of female power which can generate peace, redeem humankind from its sins and fight against oppression, regaining their own dignity and pride. These women represent life in all of its marvellous richness, the life that every human being should be allowed to live.

The souls of these queens are staring at us, their eyes demanding redemption for their people, inviting us to fight for the salvation of mankind. You won’t be able to look away, even if you try.
Creative Direction Images & Film maker by Leo V @leovpage
All the dresses and most of the accessories hand made by Leo V
Editing video by Daniele Vagni
Letizia Maestri
Veronica Falcones
Bintou Moupoupa
Katalina Candezano
Marie Ada
Nastasia Kochy
Patricia Mondo Osiwubi
Tracy Richards
Yinet Navarro
Sky Noelani
Special Thanks To:
Marta De Martini Jewellery
Mario Berta Battiloro
Gianluca Saitto
The One Models Milan
Boom Models Milan