1.What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
I grew up SDA, so we didn’t really celebrate Christmas; but I do remember that my mom being a very sentimental woman who loved creating memories for us and would try get us into the Christmas cheer and cook up a storm on Christmas. We’d spend some Christmas’ in Durban at my aunt’s house and there it was the gifts, the breakfast through to dinner feast and a whole vibe.
2.Where are we likely to spot you this festive season?
Our family rotates Christmas, this year though I’m still on catering duty, Christmas will be at my mom in-law’s sister’s house. The rest of the festive season I will be trying to get as much rest as possible whilst the kids rotate between my sister in-law, my mom in-law and my sister’s house and return just before the new year. Rest is the aim.
3.A song that perfectly describes your December mood?
Every year, without fail, Kenny Rogers ‘The Gift’ is on repeat.
4.What is on your music playlist currently?
- Kenny Rogers ‘The Gift’
- Beyonce ‘The Lion: The Gift’
- Neo De Jenero ‘Into You’
- Ntokozo Mbambo
- Kirk Franklin
- Francis and The Light
- Calvin Harris ‘Funk Wave’
- And all the kiddies’ music… we spend a lot of time in the car listening to PingFong lol
5.What are you reading?
I’m rereading ‘The Smart Money Woman’ by Arese – I’ve invited her onto my podcast so I’m making markers.
6.Any survival tips for getting through family dinners/lunches/or having extended family staying over?
Practice kindness. Our children are watching so model the behaviour we want out of them… kindness, love and empathy are important when engaging with family, even more so when you feel it is hard. Also, always find the aunt and uncle who gossip the most and/or complain the most, greet them first and buy them gifts, they need it.
7.The best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
Spending my first Christmas at my in-laws and being affirmed that I’m welcome and loved by my mom in-law/in-love. That woman loves me like her own child. She stands in the gap for my mom year after year as my mom lives and works overseas.
8.The one dish you have to have on Christmas Day?
I make a badass lamb stew and stuffed turkey. So definitely that and trifle! What’s Christmas without trifle???
9.What’s on your Christmas wish list this year?
I just want a peaceful, love-filled Christmas. I got everything I prayed for this year so I’m just giving thanks this Christmas.