Superstar comedian Donovan Goliath has taken the fight against COVID-19 extremely seriously. Like many African nationals across the continent, he is doing his part by practising safe social distancing and self-isolation, while maintaining consistently high levels of personal hygiene.
In the wake of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement on Monday evening, which declared a national lockdown commencing on the 26th of March 2020, many South Africans are preparing to spend three consecutive weeks indoors. What we at Moziak believe, however, is that this 21-day lockdown doesn’t have to be completely fruitless.
In the first instalment of #TheQuarantineEdition, Donovan Goliath shares his tips and wisdom for not only keeping sane during your government-mandated staycation, but actually being productive too. He sat down with the Moziak team to prepare us for the weeks ahead – take some notes.

Moziak Magazine: Social distancing means spending time away from a lot of people. What 3 things are you doing to keep yourself busy?
Donovan Goliath: I’m getting rid of unnecessary items at home to live a more minimalist lifestyle.
I’m also trying to learn new skills
I’m also writing and creating as much content as possible
MM: Where do you wish you were right now?
DG: Definitely With family!
MM: The world has come to a standstill. What 3 positives can you draw from this situation?
DG: I’ve been enjoying seeing images of how nature is thriving
I feel like we’ve become a lot more empathetic towards one another. Lots of random acts of kindness coming through
Hopefully, we’ll develop much more respect towards, doctors, grocery store clerks, sanitation workers and of course teachers
MM: Name 5 things you plan to achieve whilst in “quarantine”
DG: Finishing books I’ve bought that are gathering dust
Watching and learning design and photography tutorials on Youtube
Writing potential movie and documentary scripts
Creating as much funny content daily
Getting back to painting and drawing again
MM: While doing your last-minute groceries, what surprising item made your shopping list?
DG: Nothing that surprising but I’ve found myself being very cognizant of everything I put in my shopping basket

MM: Did you stock up on additional toilet paper?
DG: Nah just what we needed. Those hoarding videos have been making me so angry.
MM: Have any important plans or activities of yours been cancelled/postponed because of the coronavirus?
DG: Every gig has been cancelled. My girlfriend and I were planning a big trip to New York which we’ve obviously had to pull out of.
MM: In a year’s time when you look back, what do you think you will be saying about this period?
DG: Can’t believe we survived that. We’re much stronger than we think if we cooperate, are kind and work together.
MM: What advice do you have for people who are struggling with the idea of social distancing?
DG: I heard an incredible statement where a guy said: Most people have a fear of acquiring the virus. A good way of doing it is to imagine you do have the virus and change your behaviour so that you’re not transmitting it. Don’t think about changing your behaviour so you won’t get it, think about changing it so you won’t give it someone else.
MM: What are you looking forward to the most when the coronavirus pandemic is over?
Being with friends and family again
Working and making people laugh again
A lot of industries are definitely going to change once this is over. Looking forward to embracing that new wave