The South African lockdown has affected everybody: from influencers to the influenced; from politicians to citizens and of course, as much as employees are feeling the brunt – entrepreneurs and employers can’t be having an easy time during this period indoors. One such entrepreneur who refuses to let the lockdown bring him down is none other than Maps Maponyane.
Our guest on today’s installment of The Quarantine Edition and like many of his celebrity peers, he tells Moziak exactly what he’s been up to during the lockdown and what advice he has for the rest of the country.
Moziak Magazine: How are you social distancing during this period?
Maps Maponyane: I’m going to be social distancing over this period by staying at home, communicating with others and conducting business through all the available technology available, and only making trips to the supermarket once a week.
MM: Where do you wish you were right now?
Maps: Well I’m about 2 and a half weeks into social distancing on a personal level, and to be quite honest I wish I was anywhere surrounded by friends and family instead, however this is the most necessary contribution we can all make towards stopping the spread of the coronavirus.
MM: Name 3 positive things about the world almost coming to a standstill.
Maps: 1.) It’s an opportunity to rediscover and reconnect with one’s self, as there can really be no better way than to be left in isolation for numerous days. However, there’s opportunity to use that time creatively and do all those things that you perhaps may have been putting off for a long time.
2.) I think this will make us realise just what matters in our lives, how fragile life is and how we need to make the most of every day.
3.) This is a collective battle and fight against a common enemy. The positivity that comes from that is an added appreciation for our relationships with one another, physical contact, as well as more kindness towards each other than ever, with us all going through this.
MM: Name 5 things you plan to achieve whilst in “quarantine”
Maps: 1.) Get into a better routine of consistent exercise.
2.) Read more books (I have a hit list that I’ve been working my way through).
3.) Cook regularly and try out some baking.
4.) Take more time out to breathe, do nothing and just relax, and allow myself to experience whatever I need to by inside and not putting pressure to be productive.
5.) Start writing a children’s book.
MM: What surprising item made your shopping list?
Maps: Cake flour and baking powder 🙂
MM: Did you stock up on additional toilet paper?
Maps: No, I didn’t understand the sensibility behind any of that. There’s only so many number twos you can take.
MM: Have any important plans or activities of yours been cancelled/postponed because of the coronavirus?
Maps: Countless. I am constantly on the road and flying quite frequently for different engagements and events. Now all my travel has been cancelled and so have any events, and TV shows have either been put on hold or cancelled.
MM: In a year’s time when you look back, what do you think you will be saying about this period?
Maps: “I still can’t believe that even happened” – but I think I would love to say, “If that didn’t happen, we would never have learnt (x) about each other, and know we’re all better for it”.
MM: What advice do you have for people who are struggling with the idea of social distancing?
Maps: Feel whatever you need to feel right now, allow yourself that, but remember that you aren’t alone. We’re all in this together, and it will pass.
MM: What are you looking forward to the most when the coronavirus pandemic is over?
Maps: I’m a very tactile and affectionate person, so the first thing I’m looking forward to doing is hugging the people I love, and holding on a little longer than I normally would. After that, it would be great to reopen my restaurant doors and create an environment again that people enjoy and feel safe in again.